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Life and Opinions of Julius Melbourn; with Sketches of the Lives and Characters of Thomas Je... by Melbourn, Julius, Hammond, ... ISBN: 9781377996356 List Price: $15.95
Historical and Political View of the Constitution and Revolutions of Geneva, in the Eighteen... by Ivernois, Francis D', John ... ISBN: 9781378109540 List Price: $18.95
Practical Treatise of Husbandry : Wherein Are Contained, Many Useful and Valuable Experiment... by Duhamel Du Monceau, M., Joh... ISBN: 9781378151051 List Price: $20.95
Republican : Or, a Series of Essays on the Principles and Policy of Free States: Having a Pa... by Jarvis, William C. D. 1836,... ISBN: 9781378212233 List Price: $17.95
Memoir of the Rev. Peter Labagh, D. D. : With Notices of the History of the Reformed Protest... by Todd, John Adams, Ludlow, G... ISBN: 9781378424230 List Price: $16.95
Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air / by Joseph Priestly, LL. D. F. R. S : 2 by Priestley, Joseph, Johnson,... ISBN: 9781378993699 List Price: $19.95
Of Thomas Whittemore, D. d (Classic Reprint) by Adams, John Greenleaf ISBN: 9780666978097 List Price: $32.02
Speeches on the Jew Bill, in the House of Delegates of Maryland, by H. M. Brackenridge, Col.... by Brackenridge, Henry Marie ISBN: 9780428920715 List Price: $28.93
Trait� d'�conomie Politique by Destutt De Tracy, Antoine L... ISBN: 9780274784264 List Price: $17.95
M�moires Sur la Derni�re Guerre de l'Am�rique Septentrionale : Entre la France et l'Angleter... by Pouchot, Pierre, Adams, Joh... ISBN: 9780274697656 List Price: $14.95
D�fense des Constitutions Am�ricaines... by Adams, John ISBN: 9780274964475 List Price: $20.95
D�fense des Constitutions Am�ricaines... by Adams, John ISBN: 9780274964482 List Price: $29.95
Memoir of Thomas Whittemore, D. D. by John Greenleaf Adams Adams ISBN: 9783337396787 List Price: $29.90
M�moires Sur la Derni�re Guerre de l'Am�rique Septentrionale : Entre la France et l'Angleter... by Pouchot, Pierre, Adams, Joh... ISBN: 9780353839212 List Price: $24.95
Institutions du Droit de la Nature et des Gens : Dans Lesquelles, Par une Chaine Continue, o... by Wolff, Christian, John Adam... ISBN: 9780353701304 List Price: $30.95
Parall�le de la Conduite des Carthaginois, a l'�gard des Romains, Dans la Seconde Guerre Pun... by De La Tour, Seran, John Ada... ISBN: 9780353726338 List Price: $27.95
Trait� d'�conomie Politique by Destutt De Tracy, Antoine L... ISBN: 9780353793910 List Price: $27.95
The World of Myth Anthology: Volume II (Volume 2) by Scheerer, Terry, Scheerer, ... ISBN: 9781986624770 List Price: $11.95
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